The Queen’s Acceptance of the Surrender of Government – April 1709

At the Court of St. James’s the 17th day of April, 1709

Thee Queen’s most Excellent Majesty
His Royal Highness, Prince Earl of Radnor,

George of Denmark,               Earl of Barkeley,

Lord Keeper,                         Earl of Rochester,

Lord President,                      Earl of Marlborough,

Lord Steward,                       Earl of Bradford,

Duke of Bolton,                     Earl of Romney

Duke of Schonberg,               Earl of Renalagh,

Duke of Leeds,                      Lord Ferrers

Lord Great Chamberlain,        Lord Godolphin,

Earl Marshall,                       Mr. Comptroller,

Lord High Admiral;               Mr. Vice Chamberlain,

Lord Chamberlain,                Mr. Secretary Vernon,

Earl of Dorset,                      Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer,

Earl of Manchester,               Lord Chief Justice,

Earl of Stamford,                  Sir Charles Hedges,

Earl of Burlington                 Mr .Smith


This day the several Proprietors of East and West New Jersey in America, did in person present a deed of surrender by them executed under their hands and seals, to her Majesty in Council, and did acknowledge the same to be their act and deed, and humbly desire her Majesty accept the same, that it might be enrolled in the Court of Chancery, whereby they did surrender their power of the Government of those plantations: Which her Majesty graciously accepted, and was pleased to order as it is hereby ordered, that the same be enrolled in her Majesty’s said High Court of Chancery, whereby they did surrender their power of the Government of those plantations which her Majesty graciously accepted and was pleased to order, as it is hereby ordered, that the same be enrolled in her Majesty’s said High Court of Chancery, and the said instruments are to be delivered to Mr. Attorney General, who is to take care that the same be enrolled accordingly.

A true copy.


17 March 1747,

Examined the foregoing copy with the entry, remaining in the register book, in the office of his Majesty’s privy Council at Whitehall, and found the same to contain a true copy.


7 October, 1747

Examined the foregoing copy, with the entry remaining in the register book in the office of his Majesty’s privy Council at Whitehall, and found the same to contain a true copy.


Be it remembered, that on the tenth day of September 1748, John Waddell of the city of New York, merchant, appeared before Robert Hunter Morris, Esq; Chief Justice of the Province of flew Jersey, and being duly sworn on the holy evangelists, on his oath declared, that the name of John Waddell, signed to the preceding certificate of the 7th of October, 1747, is the proper hand writing of the declarant, and that the matter contained in the said certificate is true,


Sworn as above, before me,


Agrees with an attested copy, being carefully examined and corrected by me,


Register of the Proprietors of East New Jersey.